This Trip is Theirs . . .

This trip is theirs . . . 

Serena recently shared the quote above with me when I was frustrated over a former camper and mentee (now age 22) who keeps returning to an abusive boyfriend and the father of her four-month-old son. My heart breaks for this little baby. I don’t understand why his mother repeatedly bails her boyfriend out of jail when he beats her up. Everything in me wants her to choose a different path  for her than the one modeled by her mother. 

But I can only be there and loan this former camper my map. 

I’m powerless to rescue her. 

Scripture says to pray. 

But how often do I pray in faith, truly believing that things will really change? Doubts fill me, and I can become so skeptical.  


Then I hear God remind me of the prayer of the father who simply prayed, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.” Mark 9:23 

Can you relate? 

If so, be encouraged with me.  

Our God is the God of the impossible. And He says, “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:23 

And crazy enough, He helps us believe—even when doubt threatens to overcome our belief.  

What an amazing father we serve. Thank you, Lord, that you heal, you guide and you rescue! 


Shout out to Nick & Jess from Ventura, CA


Recap of Theology of Foster Care by CAFO President, Jedd Medefind